Author Archives : Laura Wackerly

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The Language Our Bodies Speak

On August 27, 2018, Posted by , In Uncategorized, With Comments Off on The Language Our Bodies Speak

First off, a disclaimer: I don’t know what I’m talking about; I’m completely discrediting myself. I did, however, watch a tv series called Lie to Me that was on for three seasons starting in 2009. It was a really good show, and I recommend you go watch it (it’s available…

Conversation: How to Talk to People

I hear this a lot: “I’m just so awkward. I really don’t like talking to people. I don’t even know what to say most of the time.”   I hear ya, and with everyone’s faces stuck in their cell phones (*guilty*), the situation’s not about to get any better. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t…

Space for Your Brain

Have you ever had a bad day? Have you ever been super stressed-out and anxious? Have you ever felt like everything needed your attention all at once andthekidsneedmeandthephoneisringingandthe- dogisbarkingandwhyisthewashermakingthatnoiseandtheneighborjusthadtomowRIGHTNOWandwhycantIjusthaveaminutetobreatheohmygosh… Yeah. Me too. I’m about to sound like an infomercial, but hear me out, okay? Mindfulness and meditation have changed my…