624 Market Ave. N, Canton, OH 44702
Phone: 330.493.4553
Fax: 330.493.3761
Monday – Thursday: 8am - 8pm
Friday: 8am - 2 pm
Closed Weekends
Medicaid, Medicare, most private insurances including Aultcare, Primetime, Medical Mutual/Super Med Plus
Phoenix Rising is a 501(c)(3) Private Non-Profit Organization. To donate please click here to print a form, or contact Kathleen at 330.493.4553, kathleens@phoenixrisingbhr.org. You can also donate through our Venmo account, @phoenixrising072005.
Client concerns may not be submitted via our website. If there is a client care issue contact us at 330-493-4553. If after-hours, weekends, or if we are closed for a holiday please contact the Crisis Center at 330-452-6000 or go to your local emergency room. Please note that website communication is not checked daily.