Simple Guide to Simplifying Your Home

On October 1, 2018, Posted by , In anxiety,self improvement,simplifying, By ,,,,,,,, , With Comments Off on Simple Guide to Simplifying Your Home

Buckle up. This is a long one. But it’s good. And there are a lot of pictures, so maybe that’s why it’s long. I’m sure that’s it. First, some stats. The average American owns 300,000 things. Even though home size has tripled in the past 50 years, 1 in 10…

Conversation: How to Talk to People

I hear this a lot: “I’m just so awkward. I really don’t like talking to people. I don’t even know what to say most of the time.”   I hear ya, and with everyone’s faces stuck in their cell phones (*guilty*), the situation’s not about to get any better. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t…

Space for Your Brain

Have you ever had a bad day? Have you ever been super stressed-out and anxious? Have you ever felt like everything needed your attention all at once andthekidsneedmeandthephoneisringingandthe- dogisbarkingandwhyisthewashermakingthatnoiseandtheneighborjusthadtomowRIGHTNOWandwhycantIjusthaveaminutetobreatheohmygosh… Yeah. Me too. I’m about to sound like an infomercial, but hear me out, okay? Mindfulness and meditation have changed my…